The Benefits of Coffee for Teenagers
By Barb Nefer
Caffeine in any form, including coffee, is not recommended for kids younger than age 12, according to the UCLA Health System website, but coffee is not harmful to teenagers if enjoyed in moderation. People drink coffee for its physical effects, as well as for the social aspect, and teens can also benefit from indulging in coffee responsibly.
A cappuccino on a cafe table. Image Credit: JackBuu/iStock/Getty Images
Physical Effects
Teenagers live busy lives, juggling their social lives with schoolwork, sports and other activities. Many do not get enough sleep to feel refreshed in the morning. Only 15 percent of teens get more than eight hours of sleep on school nights, according to the Sleep Foundation. The caffeine in coffee acts as a mild stimulant, waking up people who drink it and honing their mental alertness. Teens can benefit from drinking coffee before school if they need a mild stimulant to help them stay awake and focus on their schoolwork or another activity. Coffee should only be used occasionally for this purpose, as teens should practice healthy sleeping habits, which include getting eight hours of sleep per night.
Social Benefits
Drinking coffee is a social activity, and coffee shops are often hubs of activity for teens and young adults. Coffee is a healthy drink in moderation, although fancy coffee-based concoctions may contain a lot of sugar, fat and calories. Teens can benefit from socializing with their friends over coffee, which is healthier than overindulging in high-powered energy drinks or sneaking illicit beverages like alcohol. (continued)....
Based in Kissimmee, Fla., Barb Nefer is a freelance writer with over 20 years of experience. She is a mental health counselor, finance coach and travel agency owner. Her work has appeared in such magazines as "The Writer" and "Grit" and she authored the book, "So You Want to Be a Counselor."